Digital Infrastructures and Basic Services
The importance of high-performance, reliable and secure ICT basic infrastructures and services for digitization and thus for our lives as individuals and for the competitiveness of our country is undisputed in view of the transformative effect of digitization. But what does this mean in concrete terms, what do we expect from these infrastructures, from the communications networks, the IT infrastructure and – given the convergence of communications technology and IT – from both together? What should be addressed promptly so that we in Germany are well positioned for the future?
The “Digital Infrastructures and Basic Services” working group takes a profound, holistic and far-sighted look at this complex of issues and thus helps to provide orientation for politics, business and society.
The working group is currently focusing in particular on the question of how ICT basic infrastructures and services can most effectively support the transformation of economic value creation in Germany and where there is a particular need for action here.